Invest Your Heartbeats Wisely

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Title: Invest Your Heartbeats Wisely: Practical, Philosophical, and Principled Leadership Concepts for Business and Life
Release Date: April 4, 2016
Pages: 208
ISBN13: 978-1626342545


Invest Your Heartbeats Wisely is based on the concept that each of us has a limited number of heartbeats while on this earth and how we choose to spend, or invest, those heartbeats really does matter. We trade our heartbeats for money we receive from employers, experiences we have, and possessions we choose. The money, time spent, and things are really quite valuable when held to the finite heartbeat test.

Similarly, leaders and people of influence in organizations have the choice as to where to invest their heartbeats in forming the future of their companies, firms, even family. The book explores areas in the business that yield great dividends from the invested heartbeats of the leadership. Traits of effective leadership and actual practices, organizational culture and accountability, mentoring up and coming leaders are all discussed with philosophical outlines as well as practical implementation and examples.

More than just focusing on the dollars and cents of the business, the book lays out a strong case for the ethical treatment of all people associated with the business. This starts with the behavior of the leader and the transparency and consistency by which he or she chooses to live. The book leans on the Judeo-Christian heritage and Biblical wisdom to make a case for doing the right things for people in all cases. Practical examples of getting and retaining teammates and providing purpose for their involvement in the vision of the leader and corporate goals are discussed and described.

Rather than being a flash in the pan and trying to make a quick buck, Invest Your Heartbeats Wisely lays out the long term benefits of living, stating, and acting in an honorable way that will lead to a more profitable life overall and one that provides a foundation of principles by which to work. Thank you for investing some of your precious heartbeats here; you won’t be disappointed.

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"Invest Your Heartbeats is very easy to read. The author has a welcoming style & is able to encourage while not "preaching" to the reader. At the end of each chapter there is a brief review, which I found helpful to refer to.

His personal stories were nice to read. His advice seems to be spot on. As a member of two Board of Directors, as well as an educator, there were many points which I found myself saying "Yes, we do that", or "good point." The book will be used as a reference point I'm sure."
NetGalley reviewer

"Lots of good advice for building a business by using leadership skills that value the individual, as opposed to only focusing on the bottom line. Biblical references are woven throughout, but they do not prevent the non-religious from getting something out of this insightful book"
NetGalley reviewer


My parents were part of the Greatest Generation, growing up during the Great Depression and WWII. The Depression impacted them greatly in their conservative approach to the value of money and preparing for a rainy day. My dad fought in Patton’s Third Army and was one of the Iron Men of Metz for that famous battle. My mom served in the civil service during the war. They provided a great life for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They taught me responsibility, respect, accountability, and the honor of doing the right things for anyone in which you come in contact. They inspired me in their living.

My mom taught me that money equals heartbeats. We trade our heartbeats for an income and then can spend that earned money on things we choose. Her admonition: remember that the dollars you pull out of your wallet really represent those heartbeats you traded for them. Be sure the item you’re going to get is worth your heartbeats since you don’t get them back; powerful words to live by and by which to weigh decisions.

My parents are gone now but their influence sticks with me today. As a leader in my organization I have chosen to invest my heartbeats in areas of the development of the business and the people who are there right beside me. I wanted to expand on the idea that money equals heartbeats so that leaders could see that where they choose to invest their heartbeats can have a profound influence on the success or failure of their company and the people in it. I think the idea and seed for this book was planted many years ago and I am grateful to my parents for doing so. I know the Lord has watered that seed over the years and I am pleased to share the wisdom of not only thousands of years of history but, also more recently, that of my parents, mentors, and my experiences implementing those concepts.

As a young boy growing up, I was always taught the value and importance of helping others and showing respect for anyone, no matter their position in life. A humble, servant attitude has helped me through my life. A leader is called to serve people in a special way. Discovering how to invest your heartbeats in the people you lead is one of the greatest breakthroughs you can give your organization.


Chapter 4: Creating A Corporate Culture of Accountability

A business plan on a shelf doesn't bring a business to life. Putting that plan into action requires that people—yourself included—be held accountable for getting things done. You must take action and encourage your team to do the same. Give people responsibility for sections of that plan and charge them with taking action on those areas so that the business will become a thriving entity. People who are accountable for the good of the company are essential. At the top of that list, you, the leader, must be accountable to your team, to your customers, and to yourself.

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